Luxurious Fillet of Beef Pasta Dish
As you might have notiched by now, I make a lot of pasta dishes. A lot. I just love pasta, it's so versatile and you can have any protein you want with it and any kind of sauce too. Whenever I get asked what my favourite food is, I answer pasta - I can't decide if there is any particular pasta dish I like more than the other so I just keep it simple, anything with pasta (well, almost anything). On Sunday 9.oktober it was Fathers Day here in Sweden, and since it's my love's first Fathers Day it was only proper to give him a good and manly pasta dish (he loves pasta just as much as me - thank god) to celebrate the day. We bought a good piece of fillet of beef - organic and localy produced of course, and I just came up with the pasta dish in my head at the store since I seriously couldn't think of anything before we entered the store . Hate it when my brain gets food blockage, when I can't think of anything to cook or bake. That's been happening a lot since the baby came - must be because with a baby in our life now, sleep doesn't come as easily an thus the brain doesn't work as well as before. This is basically what goes through my head during the day "feed baby, change baby, feed baby, put baby to sleep, adore baby, watch baby, crap - I need to blog, feed baby, soooo tired, what's for dinner?, change baby, feed baby, put baby to sleep". Not complaining though,wouldn't change it for anything.
Anyway, here's my recipe for a Luxurious Pasta dish.
- 250 g mushrooms, sliced
- 1 onion, finely chopped
- 3 cloves garlic, finely diced
- 400 g fillet of beef, diced and room temperatured
- 1 chili, finely diced
- 25 g butter
- 4 dl cream
- salt & pepper
- 2,5 dl beef stock
- 2 tsp marjoram (dried or fresh, use what you have in your pantry)
- 1 dl pasta water
- Bowtie pasta
- Olive oil
- Parmesan cheese
How to:
- In a frying pan on medium-high heat, fry mushrooms in butter until softened and lightly browned. Set aside.
- Bring salted water to a boil and cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package.
- In a medium sauce pan on medium-high heat, fry the beef in olive oil until all the sides have gotten lightly brown. Then add the onion, garlic and chili and fry for about 2 minutes, until the onion has softened a bit. Add the cream, salt & pepper (I used about 1+ tsp of each), beef stock, marjoram, pasta water and mushrooms. Let everything cook together for about 5-6 minutes, make sure you stir maybe 2-3 times so nothing burns to the bottom.
- Mix the sauce and pasta in a big bowl. Serve with grated parmesan cheese and red wine to drink